Wednesday 14 January 2015

It's really just hair

Really what is hair and why is it so important to so many people? Long, medium, short or bald the length of your hair does not define who you are. Of course long hair makes some of us look more "attractive" and yes I put that in quotation because attractiveness can be relative. Attractive by whose standards? On the other hand there are people who adores their short hair cuts. 

"Black girls like to wear weave/braids, because their hair is forever struggling." On the contrary that's not always the case. I can tell you for a fact I have never had "struggling" hair. Growing up I hated weaves never got them and looked down on people who did. But now I'm an adult, a professional and in the mornings I need to get to work on time so wearing weaves/braids are convenient. I'm sorry *not really* but my hair does not allow me to just get up, brush it and go to work *smiles*. I smiled because if I ever did that no amount of detangling shampoo or conditioner or whatever they have invented for us kinky girls would help my situation. I would probably have to just give in and cut out the knots. 

Why not do protective styles *haha I'm in your heads now*. Of course I do them but I still get tired and lazy, I just do not want to see or have to deal with my own hair sometimes and that's when I resort to weave/braids. Do not let these natural hair gurus online fool you into thinking that having kinky hair is all glam and rosy. I have been natural for almost two years now and sometimes I f*$king regret it, but I have decided to embrace my own natural hair. It's similar to eating all that carbohydrates and fatty unhealthy food when you know damn well it's not good for you, but once you fight the temptation to give in you feel so accomplished and proud. 

Black girls if your hair is chemically processed then it's your choice it's just hair just like it's just dirt. If you want to wear weave then it's your choice and if you want to just go all natural then it's also your choice. Naturalistas stop hating on black girls who don't feel as passionate as you are about natural hair. When you die sister that hair will go right in the grave with you it's not going to be put in a museum. Weave addicters it's ok to rock your own hair too even if you are bald rock that look with two large hoop earrings and you are good to go. 


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