Thursday 26 February 2015

10 Tips for the GSAT Parents

Commencing this year (2015), the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) will undergo structural changes, students will do more critical thinking. The GSAT places as much stress on the students as it does on the parents, as a matter of fact every academic examination does this no matter where you are in the world. As parents you want to see your children excel at these examinations, if you do not live in Jamaica but you have a child sitting an academic examination soon you can still find some of these tips very helpful:

  1.  Do not emotionally abuse your child. Telling them things like "You naa pass fi guh nuh weh"  or "Yuh wukliss", etc. Stop it now. The parents who do this often times did not show keen  interest in their child's prowess at school to begin with, but now the GSAT is drawing near    you start to panic and take that out on the child. Do not do it. That child you think is "slow"  might just surprise you maybe not at the GSAT level but later on in life. 
  2.  Encouragement, a child can never get enough of this. Even myself as an adult  adore encouragements from my love ones. They just make you feel like everything is possible. If you have the time you can even find some creative ways to encourage and inspire your  child.
  3. I'm all about the base bout the base... No Pressure. Do not pressure the child as this can result in them panicking. Of course we know GSAT is important but find suitable ways to explain to your child the importance of the examinations without pressuring/stressing them. 
  4. Balance meals. Ensure your child is eating properly not just during the GSAT period but at all times. Not only eating but drinking lots of fluid preferably water. Developing healthy eating habits during one's childhood is just as important as developing a good personal hygiene.
  5. Urge them to take breaks. Advise and encourage your child to take breaks from studying. You the parent can ensure this by taking them out on weekends for example to a movie etc.
  6. Sleep well. I cannot stress the importance of sleep it has so many benefits from helping you to stay alert to assisting in improving your memory. This is what you want right? You want your child to be able to memorize their study material well ensure they get enough sleep. 
  7. Comfortable habitat. It is essential for us as humans adult and children alike to have a comfortable place to call home. Your home does not have to be a 10 bedroom mansion for it to be comfortable. Your child should want to come home after school, they should feel welcome it doesn't matter where you live or what your house looks like. 
  8. Assist with their studies. If you can aid your child with their studies during the GSAT preparation then do so. Help them with flash cards, mnemonics and mock examinations. 
  9. Seek additional help. If you can afford it sign them up for extra classes on the weekends. Know your child and know what subjects are their problem areas if any and help them to overcome those weaknesses. If you cannot afford to pay for extra classes try to seek help in other places like other family members who have already sat the examinations.
  10. Lots of love. Shower your kids with loads of love. Yes, let them know you love them and don't let them forget it. "A loved child is a happy child" ~ Lana. 

Half Way Tree primary students
Students at the Half-Way Tree Primary School - Jamaica Gleaner


Wondering why I didn't do tips for the students/candidates instead? Well... there are already lots       of them out there and not much for the parents. So... question answered?

Adios folks !!!

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