Tuesday 14 April 2015

Free Speech - Chronixx Saga

Free speech comes with a price especially if you are in the spotlight, as the wise philosopher once said "nothing in life is free" and I agree for the most part. Someone who means Chronixx the Jamaican entertainer any good needs to be honest with him and impart this knowledge. President Obama recently visited Jamaica on his way to Panama for the Summit of the Americas meeting. He stopped in Jamaica and while he was here he visited the Bob Marley Museum, had a pre-summit meeting with the leaders of CARICOM, cheered a UWI town hall meeting where he announced that he will donate US$70 million towards a development programme to benefit youths in Latin America and the Caribbean and he also visited the National Heroes's park to lay wreath in honour of the Jamaicans who fought and died in World Wars I and II. Let me remind you Mr. Prezzi(see Patois page) arrived in Jamaica on April, 8th, 2015 late in the afternoon and left on April 9th, 2015 late in the afternoon basically 24 hours. Does this look like a joker or waste man(see Patois page) to you guys?

The PNP led administration decided to clean up shop i.e. fixing of potholes and pavement of the roads he will be using among other little things. A lot of Jamaicans were angry about this, wait don't jump to any conclusions, I totally understand why they were flabbergasted and perplexed. Whenever there's a road to be fixed, the first response given by the Member of Parliament representing the area would be that the coffers are empty that is if they are a representative of the incumbent political party. If they are from the opposing political party their response would be: "I've alerted the relevant authorities about the problem and they have yet to respond" they attempt to cast blame. So Jamaicans were rightfully angry and feeling slighted when the Government found money in no time to fix the roads the US president would be using. Based on Chronixx recent remarks I am now of the notion that he was one of those Jamaicans *chuckles*. On the other hand I totally understand why the roads had to be fixed and The Most Honourable Portia Lucretia Simpson-Miller the incumbent Prime Minister of Jamaica said it. Quite frankly when visitors are coming to your place you fix it up especially a man of such high status and caliber such as the US President. Now tell me wouldn't Portia be worthless if she allowed the gentleman to come here and drive in potholes? Be honest and speak the truth. Yes the roads should have been fixed long before his arrival but that wasn't the case and it's not like when Obama left the country the roads were taken up. 

Chronixx was perplexed from long time and he was harbouring ill feelings towards the Prezzi. I loveddddd Chronixx and although he was wrong, I'm going to embed one of his tracks at the end of this post so those of you whom are not familiar with his music can listen. You can also of course just go on YouTube and search him up, he's awesome I can tell you that much and if I get a chance to attend any of his concerts I will definitely do so. With that being said I felt compelled to constructively criticized his tactless and distasteful remarks he posted on his Instagram in regards to Jamaicans, the government and President Obama. He has later recant saying his comments were not about Obama but of course he's lying. Chronixx was out of order, vindictive and nothing short of disrespectful. Oops I still haven't told you guys yet what his post was about. I was contemplating whether or not I should insert his post here, but oh what the hell he didn't care so I don't either.

Lets take a closer look at his post, that is a picture of one of Jamaica's National Hero Marcus Mosiah Garvey, if you didn't know. It is a world renowned fact that Garvey was imprisoned in the United States for committing mail fraud and later deported to Jamaica. I fail to believe that Chronixx a young man who claims to have went to University really believe that because Obama is black then he'd show partiality towards the black race. As a president of such a country with loads of minority groups he cannot do that, it's not in his best interest. He cannot just take it up on himself to expunge the charges that were made against Marcus Mosiah Garvey. It involves many twist and turns you have to go through the proper channels, Obama doesn't have a magic wand he can just wave and all his wishes will be granted contrary to what some of you may believe. Waste man? Was that even necessary I need to teach Chronixx how to shade he needs to sign up to my shading school. "A race of good for nothings" that's when he 'attempted' to quote Garvey but not quite. This is the Garvey quote he was making reference to : "I have no desire to take all black people back to Africa; there are blacks who are no good here and will likewise be no good there". Why did Chronixx attack the entire black race like that because he is passionate about Garvey and is a supporter of Garveyism? You Jamaicans who are siding with him are just as bad because he was talking about you too and if you can't see this then I guess he was right when he called you "a bunch of good for nothings". After he was called out for his foolishness he had the nerve to say he wasn't talking about Obama, yes you were and that's not even my issue with his statement. My issue is his bold description of the black race, what about that part? To this day he still thinks that the only problem with his statement was the waste man comment towards Obama. He was rude and I took offense to his statement but because I belong to a race of good for nothings my feelings doesn't matter. If Chronixx and his followers would have stayed informed they would have known that efforts were being made to expunge Garvey's criminal record for the longest while now. Maybe that's what he was angry about... the long wait? 

If you have even an ounce of fame certain priveleges you had before will be limited such as free speech. Somethings are better left said among your brethrens not on social media. This is the second time Chronixx has found himself in the hot seat for outlandish comments. When will he learn? After they lock him up like Buju Banton? He could have said all of what he had to say online but in a more tactful and respectable manner. One advise I have for people in the spotlight, don't write a letter, email or social media post when you are angry, it may bite you in the butt. 

Feel free to leave your comments down below whether you disagree or agree with the singjay, all feedback is welcome. Peace out folks and walk good until next time.

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