Wednesday 11 March 2015

Dear me: I am Black, Beautiful and Proud

Dear me:

I am Black, Beautiful and Proud (BB&P). I will love my melanin even more than the white people love themselves. I'm not trash and I deserve to be treated as equally and fairly as everyone else. My kinky hair is amazing although it can break a comb in two it is who I am and I will wear it and be as proud as a peacock. If someone tries to put me down because of my ethnicity and/or race, I will hold my head high and say "You are a part of the problem". I do not need "toning" to look like the Europeans, my complexion is marvelous just the way it is. I am not urban, my ancestors go way way back. I am not inferior I am just as fantastic as everyone else.  I am me and I am my culture. I will show respect to others and treat them as I would like to be treated. I am Black, Beautiful & Proud.

I will stand up for what is right and I will fight until the end, for myself, for my family, for my future children, for my ancestors and for my entire race. I WILL stand up for justice. I will not participate in hatred towards the minority of society. I will continue to weep and pray when the children of our society have withered away due to negligence and cruelty. I will travel the world, meet people and enjoy life. I will live. I will help who I can when they are in need. I will encourage and inspire others to strive for success and accomplish their dreams through dedication, perseverance and hard work. I am Black, Beautiful & Proud.

I will not fall along the wayside, I will stand true to what I believe in. I will aim for the moon so if I fail I will fall among the stars. Heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight- I will work and I will work and I will achieve and I will achieve. The enemy can try to tear me down but I will let my work and achievements speak for themselves. I will love like I've never loved before and I will learn to forgive but I will never forget unless I have amnesia *cackles*. My children will be proud to say "That lady right there, is my mom". I am Black, Beautiful & Proud.

And when it's time for my soul to leave my shell I will go peacefully, I've lived a good and honest life. I've done all I can, my bucket list is complete. I am Black Beautiful & Proud.

Yours Sincerely,

Adios folks !!!

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