Monday 23 March 2015

Do not touch me - Public transportation in Jamaica !!!

Public transportation can be a pain in the ass for me and many others *sighs*. Imagine dressing up in having to sit beside a passenger/driver whose body odor is worse than ram goat urine. But I will leave that for later down in the post. First let me share with you two out of the many things that have happened to me while on public transportation:

1. A few years back when I just started at UTECH I was residing in Portmore, anyway the journey was long. On this particular day I had a meeting at the SLB office with my guarantors at the time they were located at the NCB Towers. I took it upon myself to take a JUTC bus, worst mistake ever!!! I sat in a seat beside a lady and her daughter around 2-3 years old. About halfway through the journey I felt something warm under my backside so I got up and felt my ass. It was wet like puppy nose, "mi seh the pickney nuh piss up the seat and piss me up". It's funny to me but at the time I was so upset my usually outspoken self didn't even quarrel with the mom, I guess maybe because the culprit was a child.

2. Another time I was on a bus coming from Hanover heading towards Kingston. Due to the long journey the bus usually make a midway stop most times at the Cool Oasis gas station. Anyway cut long story short when the bus reach Cool Oasis and I opened my window I saw *warning: if you are eating please desist* a huge mound of nasal mucous on my window and it was sliding on the inside. *Shivers ewwww*. It's a good thing I had some of those cheap wipes they sell in the streets, I had to draw for a few. I raised an alarm of course and a lady confessed she was the one who blew her nose out the window but she had no idea it came on my glass. Imagine if my window was open when she did that? There are some real nasty homo sapiens living among us *rolls eyes*. 

The problem doesn't start while in the public transport my friends, no it starts before that literally at the hands of some fellows who work in the park. Before you can even get on the bus you have to wade your way between what we term here in Jamaica as the "Loadah men". Let me briefly explain what these guys do. They are 99% males, most times unkept, filthy hands and lack social graces and frankly they will touch and "grab you up" without your permission in order to force you to take the bus they are packing/loading. Sometimes even when you shout and tell them "Do not touch me, I will go on whichever bus I want" they will ignore your pleas. This mostly happened in my younger years but now as a professional adult not in school uniform they tend to accept my request more. I think I have perfected the disapproving scowl so as to refrain them from touching my person the moment I enter the park, I will fix my face with a scowl. As for the ones who ignore the look on my face, I make sure to state in a clear and stern voice "Do not touch me !!!".

The passengers you are travelling with are another issue, some of them smell so fowl and frowzy. Imagine dressing up in your nice clothes heading to work in the morning and you have to sit beside a rank and obnoxious passenger. Sometimes it's the vehicle itself that stink, but because you want to get to where you are going, you most times cannot do any better. Then some drivers have no manners, they will cuss you out like any market woman if you should voice your displeasure about anything. Please do not mention anything about their loud obnoxious music are the way they are driving. Some not all will have no manners or respect and they will even leave you in the middle of nowhere and tell you to get out of their car. I've seen it happen numerous times.

Robbery on transport is another phenomenon and I think one of the worst. What these criminals will do is one or more of them get on the bus/taxi and pretend to be normal passengers and when the bus reaches a certain area they will rob and hold every passenger hostage including driver and conductor. There are two ways in which this cruel act is carried out. Sometimes it's a single person that gets on the bus and he/she will ask the driver to stop at a particular place so they can collect something or get off but it is a trap. The other culprits will be in wait and ambush bush as soon as it stops, sometimes people will say that the drivers and conductors are apart of the entire set up. Female passengers have also fallen prey to rape attacks while on public transportation it is because of this reason why I never willingly get in a taxi that has only males. I mean the females could reach their destination before you but at least you tried. Just be careful and be alert.
     MARK WIGNALL - Jamaica Observer                              Professor Nuts- Inna De Bus                                                                    


1. "mi seh the pickney nuh piss up the seat and piss me up" - The child peed/urinated all over the seat and some caught me.

2. JUTC - Jamaican Urban Transit Company(state/private owned buses).

3. UTECH - The University of Technology, Jamaica

4. NCB - National Commercial Bank

Comment down below and tell me of any experience you've had while on public transportation.

Adios folks !!!

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