Thursday 25 February 2016

#DecisionJA2016 - Complete list of all candidates

  Here's a list of all the candidates running in the current election taking place in Jamaica.


Thursday 11 February 2016

My People Let's Get In Formation

You see that video up top? If you haven't already watched it please do so because, this blog post will be focused on the message being portrayed in the video. The video is 4;52 long so let me give you 10 minutes to listen to it at least two times.

*10 minutes later*

Some folks out there are angry about that video you just watched. Yes I said folks because not only white people are mad, there are some black people who are fake mad too (I'll get to that soon). Okay let me stop saying "the video" and "that video", Formation is the title and the singer is Beyoncé. I've seen posts all over social media where people are legit hurt because the video was too "Black" and the black girls who are mad are saying that her weave should not have been blonde. Let's talk about hair... There's a black girl movement going on now if you aren't already aware, this movement is basically encouraging black girls to love their hair and melanin in their natural form. Black people can have blonde hair, Beyoncé's natural hair is a dark blonde, so if this is the reason why you are hating on the video back all the way up and come again child. For years black folks have been saying "Beyoncé" acts like she is white", "She's not helping the movement" and then in the formation video she reminded us that b**ch, I'm black you thought huh? But yet still people are complaining, my opinion you are damn if you do and damn if you don't. The video was all black, the lyrics were all black and the video paid homage to the Black Panthers, Michael Jackson among others. I'm getting to the meat of the matter now... *Drum rolls* White people are extremely pissed, they have formed an #AntiBeyoncé rally group. I see through this ploy though, what they really want to call the rally is Anti-Black but they know all hell would break loose if they do that, so they are using "Beyoncé" as a cover up.

In the latter part of the video Beyoncé also paid homage to all the black brothers and sisters who have fallen because of police Brutality. Notice I said in the latter part of the video close to the end.. you know what this tells me? It basically tells me that these haters sat or stood whatever and watched that video in it's entirety. I would say mission accomplished Beyoncé !!! *inserts clap emoji*, she has gotten her message across whether you hate or Love it. These people are so livid so much so that they are attacking her on National Television, bringing up her husband's past *coughs* and urging the police to investigate if she has any ties to the Black Panthers. Seriously where were you when that famous hotelier billionaire spewed hate, upon hate for the minorities living in the USA? Where were you when that famous southern female chef  made crude Ni**er jokes? Where were you when Trayvon Martin got shot? Where were you when Sandra Bland got murdered in jail? I'll tell you where you were... You were minding your white business and enjoying your white privileges. How about you continue to do that whenever Black people are celebrating ? Mind your white business and stay out of ours. As for the black girls who are fake mad over some hair how about you try to see the bigger picture and stop dwelling on some blonde strands that are on Beyoncé's head?

You know a thought came to me, maybe the people hating on Beyoncé probably thought she was one of them. I mean how many times have we heard them say "Beyoncé acts like she's white"? It would seem that they were starting to believe she was actually one of them. Nobody that gifted can be black right? This whole uproar about Beyoncé quoting "Stop shooting us" in her video is so dumbfounded to me. I've never watched a slavery or Black history movie where some cops/sheriffs weren't the main ones trying to kill us. It's okay for Hollywood to depict this but it's not okay for a Black Entertainer to tell the cops to stop shooting her people?

As I end this blog post let me remind everyone of all races that:



*Peace Out, Until next time walk good.*

Friday 30 October 2015

Keep your skin on fleek !!!

Howdy folks *waves and giggles* unuh wave back at me nuh cho? I have been slacking, my last blog post was sometime in June but I have just been super busy, I have not given up blogging. For awhile now friends and family has been complaining to me that they have skin issues such as constant dryness, pimples, etc and basically I give them all the same advise. So the thought occurred to me that I have a blog so why not put it out there so other people can benefit too. First off I would like to point out that I'm no dermatologist and I myself don't have perfect skin it's a work in progress for me. Below are some little things I try to do in order to keep my skin looking healthy and radiant. You ever see some people and dem skin just have this glow? Yes that's what I'm talking about. Some of them may have this due to genes but for those of us like myself who God forgot to give beautiful skin here are some tips to accomplish just that. Just a little side note: HEALTHY SKIN STARTS FROM WITHIN.


Simply put detoxification is the process by which toxins are removed from your body whether it be substances such as medications, alcohol or just the toxins we ingest from food. These toxins are poisonous and harmful to our body so we need to effectively remove them.The first time I heard about detoxing and for my fellow Jamaicans "wash out" is somewhat of a detoxing practice except not everything that runs your belly is detoxing.The first time I heard about detoxing I was at a point in my life where I just wanted to shed a few pounds. Anyway I was looking for ways to do so , I was adamant I had to loose at least 10lbs and I wanted to do it fast while cleansing my body too. It was a tweet I saw on twitter that opened my eyes to detoxing, of course I was interested so I asked the fellow for more details and voila, he put me on to the lemon detox that Beyoncé had done some years ago. Did it work? Of course it did but it was a bit extreme you couldn't eat solid food and in the morning you have to do the warm salt water flush, to remove the toxins the lemon mixture had broken down the day before. If you want to read more about the lemon detox read here:lemon detox. I added detoxing as part of the post because, it is my opinion that once you are going to change your eating and drinking habits, one should cleanse their body kind of like starting afresh. Don't just detox once per year do it at least biannually. If you want to know more about detoxing you can go here and also don't overdo this remember too much of one thing good for nothing * wags my fingers*.


This is a must !!! You need to drink water, again for the people who deaf, yah need to drink water !!! Water has so many bodily functions and just to name a few:

1. Water is a carrier, it aids in the distribution of essential nutrients such as minerals and vitamins.
2. Chemical and metabolic reactions - It assist with the removal of waste products such as toxins/impurities that your cells reject through your urine and faeces. If you want to read more about the functions of water you can click here.

You see, just like how you are dedicated to your social media why not be as dedicated to drinking water? Go out and buy your water bottle. Instead of drinking soda with your meals at work or school how about you drink water instead?  Also one cup of water for the day is not enough, you need to drink at least 8 glasses per day. In the beginning you will visit the bathroom more frequently than usual but of course as your body starts to adopt and providing your bladder is working as it should you will be back to normal in no time. 

Fruits and Vegetables

Pretty sure you've heard this one before that your diet should consist of more fruits and vegetables than processed meats and carbohydrates like bread etc but let me not delve into that because this is not a weight loss blog post *Lol*. Most of the vitamins and minerals that your body and by extension your skin needs are locked away in fruits and vegetables. Sometimes substitute that boil banana and brown stew chicken for some banana, pineapples and apples. Don't be worried it wont full your belly it actually will if you eat enough. Nobody says you cannot have more than one banana... If your belly long(greedy) buy enough fruits that will full your long gut. Try a fruits only meal as often as you can and by often I don't mean once per month that wont cut it, how about once or twice per week? What's more fruits taste so good anyway. Let me delve a little more into vitamins more specifically the ones that helps to make your skin healthy. Vitamins A, B, C, E and K are the main skin vitamins and you get them from food such as dark green leafy vegetables(calalloo,broccoli etc) and fruits such as Banana(contains Biotin which forms the basis of nails, skin and hair cells), papayas, berries, citrus fruits, etc. Studies have also shown that the best time, to get the most nutrients from fruits is if they are eaten on a hungry stomach. Just eat yah fruits and vegetables folks it's worth it. People will see you and be like "OMG Felesha you're glowing are you pregnant?"or something like that, you know how people fast already. 

REST !!!

Notice that this heading is in all caps, yah need to rest your body. For some this might not be as easy especially for the ones going to school, when all those assignments, course tests and projects come piling in what even is resting? Time management is important if you want to get your 8 hours per day sleep. I think 8 hours a day is pushing it though especially for some of us who have numerous things to accomplish in 24 hrs, but guess what? Your body thinks otherwise, *inserts that emoji where the girl is holding one of her hand up like she's a waitress* and if you want to get that glowing skin you need to take those beauty naps.

Shower and Moisturize

Last but definitely not least please shower at least twice daily and moisturize your skin after every bath (I don't do the moisturizing thing at night) because I don't have dry skin. For those of you with extra dry skin please adhere to this one and find a moisturizer that works for you. Ever heard of raw shea butter? Yes? No? Well go hunt it down and try it, although I have never tried the raw one, other people have said it worked for them. You can also buy Vitamin E, olive and baby(my favorite) oil and add them to your lotion or body cream. I tend to stay away from soaps. Ever notice how soap leaves off a lot of scum in your bath and your bath looks dull and needs cleaning extra often? It does the same to your skin, it makes it look dull. I prefer using body wash/shower gels that have stuff like cocoa and Shea butter, Aloe Vera, Vitamin E, etc just find a shower gel that works for you. Some people don't moisturize the section of their skin that will be covered by their clothing... please stop this you lazy bugger and moisturize before getting dress that way you have access to majority of your skin. 

My favourite body wash : zest with Shea butter!!!

That's all for now folks. Wondering what my next blog post should be about... Leave your suggestions in the comment sections. Also if you have any feedback about this post please feel free to do so. 

Thanks for reading, I love you all xoxoxoxoxo.
Lana Lavender

Friday 12 June 2015

Rachel Dolezal a Transracial?

First off let me speak the truth I had no idea who she was until yesterday when her story blew up all over social media - I don't live in the USA. Being the type of person I am I like doing my research before I jump to conclusions for those of you who don't know who this Rachel lady is here is a little summary.

Rachel Dolezal is an academia office chair for the police ombudsman commission and president of it's African American civil rights organisation NAACP in the city of Spokane, Washington. She is also an Africana studies professor at Eastern Washignton University where she is specialises in black studies and African American culture. Apparently Rachel Dolezal is white according to her parents who recently outed her. According to her mother she gradually began refering to herself as black around 2007 and that she never claimed to be biracial or African-American in their presence. Look plain and simple she is a fraud. Look at one of her facebook post below she is claiming the black man as her dad.

Black people all over social media are now outrage at her attempt to deceive the race and cop herself such an important position in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). This woman went to great lengths to to convince people she was black from her hair to her maintained tan. I have not much to say about her but let me say this she couldn't have fooled me hair or no hair tan or no tan. It's pretty obvious she's white please from the videos I've watched. The other persons in the NAACP is a whole bunch of stupid or they knew all along but kept quiet and one of them wanted her post so they finally decided to come forth with the truth. It can also be a case where there is no rule that states only black people can be president of the NAACP but if this was the case she wouldn't need to be fake black now would she? I am going with the argument that they all knew because I don't want to think that this woman with her braids and kinky lace fronts was that good at deceiving them. They should be ashamed of themselves for letting one woman scam them these past eight years. Shame on you NAACP members Shame. You allowed a white woman to appropriate your culture right before your eyes but come at Katy Perry etc for appropriating black culture, when one of the most well known civil rights activist was making a fool of you. Don't get me wrong I know there are white people out there who lobby for black people but they never lie or claim to be black why did she have to go to such great lengths? Really is there such a thing as Transracial? The black people who are currently outraged need to be angry at themselves for being so stupid as a matter of fact a lot of you had no idea who she was until yesterday so stop faking that outrage you are putting on for social media. As for the people giving her a pass you are basically saying it is okay for one to be a scammer, liar and a con artist. Call her out for what she is A FRAUD. 

I am keenly awaiting further development in this peculiar case, oh what an exciting world we live in. 

Adios Folks until next time xoxoxoxo your girl Lana Lavender. 

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Free Speech - Chronixx Saga

Free speech comes with a price especially if you are in the spotlight, as the wise philosopher once said "nothing in life is free" and I agree for the most part. Someone who means Chronixx the Jamaican entertainer any good needs to be honest with him and impart this knowledge. President Obama recently visited Jamaica on his way to Panama for the Summit of the Americas meeting. He stopped in Jamaica and while he was here he visited the Bob Marley Museum, had a pre-summit meeting with the leaders of CARICOM, cheered a UWI town hall meeting where he announced that he will donate US$70 million towards a development programme to benefit youths in Latin America and the Caribbean and he also visited the National Heroes's park to lay wreath in honour of the Jamaicans who fought and died in World Wars I and II. Let me remind you Mr. Prezzi(see Patois page) arrived in Jamaica on April, 8th, 2015 late in the afternoon and left on April 9th, 2015 late in the afternoon basically 24 hours. Does this look like a joker or waste man(see Patois page) to you guys?

The PNP led administration decided to clean up shop i.e. fixing of potholes and pavement of the roads he will be using among other little things. A lot of Jamaicans were angry about this, wait don't jump to any conclusions, I totally understand why they were flabbergasted and perplexed. Whenever there's a road to be fixed, the first response given by the Member of Parliament representing the area would be that the coffers are empty that is if they are a representative of the incumbent political party. If they are from the opposing political party their response would be: "I've alerted the relevant authorities about the problem and they have yet to respond" they attempt to cast blame. So Jamaicans were rightfully angry and feeling slighted when the Government found money in no time to fix the roads the US president would be using. Based on Chronixx recent remarks I am now of the notion that he was one of those Jamaicans *chuckles*. On the other hand I totally understand why the roads had to be fixed and The Most Honourable Portia Lucretia Simpson-Miller the incumbent Prime Minister of Jamaica said it. Quite frankly when visitors are coming to your place you fix it up especially a man of such high status and caliber such as the US President. Now tell me wouldn't Portia be worthless if she allowed the gentleman to come here and drive in potholes? Be honest and speak the truth. Yes the roads should have been fixed long before his arrival but that wasn't the case and it's not like when Obama left the country the roads were taken up. 

Chronixx was perplexed from long time and he was harbouring ill feelings towards the Prezzi. I loveddddd Chronixx and although he was wrong, I'm going to embed one of his tracks at the end of this post so those of you whom are not familiar with his music can listen. You can also of course just go on YouTube and search him up, he's awesome I can tell you that much and if I get a chance to attend any of his concerts I will definitely do so. With that being said I felt compelled to constructively criticized his tactless and distasteful remarks he posted on his Instagram in regards to Jamaicans, the government and President Obama. He has later recant saying his comments were not about Obama but of course he's lying. Chronixx was out of order, vindictive and nothing short of disrespectful. Oops I still haven't told you guys yet what his post was about. I was contemplating whether or not I should insert his post here, but oh what the hell he didn't care so I don't either.

Lets take a closer look at his post, that is a picture of one of Jamaica's National Hero Marcus Mosiah Garvey, if you didn't know. It is a world renowned fact that Garvey was imprisoned in the United States for committing mail fraud and later deported to Jamaica. I fail to believe that Chronixx a young man who claims to have went to University really believe that because Obama is black then he'd show partiality towards the black race. As a president of such a country with loads of minority groups he cannot do that, it's not in his best interest. He cannot just take it up on himself to expunge the charges that were made against Marcus Mosiah Garvey. It involves many twist and turns you have to go through the proper channels, Obama doesn't have a magic wand he can just wave and all his wishes will be granted contrary to what some of you may believe. Waste man? Was that even necessary I need to teach Chronixx how to shade he needs to sign up to my shading school. "A race of good for nothings" that's when he 'attempted' to quote Garvey but not quite. This is the Garvey quote he was making reference to : "I have no desire to take all black people back to Africa; there are blacks who are no good here and will likewise be no good there". Why did Chronixx attack the entire black race like that because he is passionate about Garvey and is a supporter of Garveyism? You Jamaicans who are siding with him are just as bad because he was talking about you too and if you can't see this then I guess he was right when he called you "a bunch of good for nothings". After he was called out for his foolishness he had the nerve to say he wasn't talking about Obama, yes you were and that's not even my issue with his statement. My issue is his bold description of the black race, what about that part? To this day he still thinks that the only problem with his statement was the waste man comment towards Obama. He was rude and I took offense to his statement but because I belong to a race of good for nothings my feelings doesn't matter. If Chronixx and his followers would have stayed informed they would have known that efforts were being made to expunge Garvey's criminal record for the longest while now. Maybe that's what he was angry about... the long wait? 

If you have even an ounce of fame certain priveleges you had before will be limited such as free speech. Somethings are better left said among your brethrens not on social media. This is the second time Chronixx has found himself in the hot seat for outlandish comments. When will he learn? After they lock him up like Buju Banton? He could have said all of what he had to say online but in a more tactful and respectable manner. One advise I have for people in the spotlight, don't write a letter, email or social media post when you are angry, it may bite you in the butt. 

Feel free to leave your comments down below whether you disagree or agree with the singjay, all feedback is welcome. Peace out folks and walk good until next time.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

PetPeeves 101 - Arghhhh !!!

You know everyone has pet peeves these little things that other people do that annoys and irritates the hell out of you. Don't annoy me though I'll hit you upside the head, I'm pretty violent *Jokes*. Let's get into it and in no specific order here are some of the things I find most annoying *drum rolls* !!!!!!

1. Putting lipstick on only your bottom lip??? Do people really still do this, you ask yes they do.     Please stop it, it's either you want lipstick or you dont, there's no midway. Every time I've seen this I just want to walk up to the culprit and just wipe that lipstick off.

2. Leaving the kitchen sink, bath and face basin a mess. One of the worst things with living other people during University was having to share kitchen and bathroom. I'm cringing just thinking about it. A lot of these students are so nasty and weren't taught nothing domestic.

3. Rice not cleaned properly. Have you ever ate rice like at a restaurant and there are still the little brown rice trash in it? Such a turn off.

4. Smelly feet(Cheesy foot in Jamaica) - Covers nose and run for cover. If your foot is smelly don't come around me and if you do please keep on your shoes, thank you very much.

5. Jamaicans living abroad worrying about Jamaicans at home embarrassing them. Please sit your little ass down. You are in America or Canada now or where ever you are stop trying to keep face with your friends.Always on social media talking about how "Jamaicans are this and Jamaicans are that" boohoo we haven't changed why are you ashamed of your people?

6. You knew that rain is/was falling and you still chose to wear flip flops out of your house?

7. Ever bought Ackee and Saltfish when you're eating out and it's like you bought 100 litres of cooking oil? These chefs want to give me high cholesterol, block arteries and a heart attack. Please chill out with the grease.

8. "Like if you love Jesus", "Jesus saw you scrolling", etc *rolls eyes*. Jesus did not saw me scrolling he's busy he's not on Facebook and he's not on Twitter and even if he's seeing it it's not a sin if I ignore it. Don't try to guilt me into promoting your page bye with your thirsty self.

9. Dirty mirrors and crappy looking background, I know a lot of people will nod to this one. Can people just be mindful of their backgrounds and their mirror before taking and posting pics? Untidy dirty backgrounds make my skin crawl, It just tells me what type of person you are.

10. Polishing or dyeing your hairline because it is non-existent. I see this a lot of time in Jamaica mostly the people who still wear glue in hair and high school students. The hair glue took their hairline with it and so to give off the impression that their hairline is still intact they polish or dye it extra black. Such an epic fail because we can obviously see that die or polish mam. I think the school boys do it because they want to have jet black hair? Either way it's tacky and it annoys me.

11. Sew-in hair one color but the leave-out/ hair texture is different. It's either you sew-in hair that matches your hair color/texture or you blend your leave out to make it look the same. Is it really that hard people?

12. Touching my hair. Whether you are a friend, foe or stranger just do not do it, it's not a toy. Touching my hair is like touching my vagina *I'm not joking*, just don't do it. If you want to touch my hair ask permission 10/10 times I will say no.

Did I mention any of your pet peeves? If not drop them in the comments below.

Short blog post I'll make it longer next time. Read, enjoy and don't forget to share.

Adios Folks !!!

Monday 23 March 2015

Do not touch me - Public transportation in Jamaica !!!

Public transportation can be a pain in the ass for me and many others *sighs*. Imagine dressing up in having to sit beside a passenger/driver whose body odor is worse than ram goat urine. But I will leave that for later down in the post. First let me share with you two out of the many things that have happened to me while on public transportation:

1. A few years back when I just started at UTECH I was residing in Portmore, anyway the journey was long. On this particular day I had a meeting at the SLB office with my guarantors at the time they were located at the NCB Towers. I took it upon myself to take a JUTC bus, worst mistake ever!!! I sat in a seat beside a lady and her daughter around 2-3 years old. About halfway through the journey I felt something warm under my backside so I got up and felt my ass. It was wet like puppy nose, "mi seh the pickney nuh piss up the seat and piss me up". It's funny to me but at the time I was so upset my usually outspoken self didn't even quarrel with the mom, I guess maybe because the culprit was a child.

2. Another time I was on a bus coming from Hanover heading towards Kingston. Due to the long journey the bus usually make a midway stop most times at the Cool Oasis gas station. Anyway cut long story short when the bus reach Cool Oasis and I opened my window I saw *warning: if you are eating please desist* a huge mound of nasal mucous on my window and it was sliding on the inside. *Shivers ewwww*. It's a good thing I had some of those cheap wipes they sell in the streets, I had to draw for a few. I raised an alarm of course and a lady confessed she was the one who blew her nose out the window but she had no idea it came on my glass. Imagine if my window was open when she did that? There are some real nasty homo sapiens living among us *rolls eyes*. 

The problem doesn't start while in the public transport my friends, no it starts before that literally at the hands of some fellows who work in the park. Before you can even get on the bus you have to wade your way between what we term here in Jamaica as the "Loadah men". Let me briefly explain what these guys do. They are 99% males, most times unkept, filthy hands and lack social graces and frankly they will touch and "grab you up" without your permission in order to force you to take the bus they are packing/loading. Sometimes even when you shout and tell them "Do not touch me, I will go on whichever bus I want" they will ignore your pleas. This mostly happened in my younger years but now as a professional adult not in school uniform they tend to accept my request more. I think I have perfected the disapproving scowl so as to refrain them from touching my person the moment I enter the park, I will fix my face with a scowl. As for the ones who ignore the look on my face, I make sure to state in a clear and stern voice "Do not touch me !!!".

The passengers you are travelling with are another issue, some of them smell so fowl and frowzy. Imagine dressing up in your nice clothes heading to work in the morning and you have to sit beside a rank and obnoxious passenger. Sometimes it's the vehicle itself that stink, but because you want to get to where you are going, you most times cannot do any better. Then some drivers have no manners, they will cuss you out like any market woman if you should voice your displeasure about anything. Please do not mention anything about their loud obnoxious music are the way they are driving. Some not all will have no manners or respect and they will even leave you in the middle of nowhere and tell you to get out of their car. I've seen it happen numerous times.

Robbery on transport is another phenomenon and I think one of the worst. What these criminals will do is one or more of them get on the bus/taxi and pretend to be normal passengers and when the bus reaches a certain area they will rob and hold every passenger hostage including driver and conductor. There are two ways in which this cruel act is carried out. Sometimes it's a single person that gets on the bus and he/she will ask the driver to stop at a particular place so they can collect something or get off but it is a trap. The other culprits will be in wait and ambush bush as soon as it stops, sometimes people will say that the drivers and conductors are apart of the entire set up. Female passengers have also fallen prey to rape attacks while on public transportation it is because of this reason why I never willingly get in a taxi that has only males. I mean the females could reach their destination before you but at least you tried. Just be careful and be alert.
     MARK WIGNALL - Jamaica Observer                              Professor Nuts- Inna De Bus                                                                    


1. "mi seh the pickney nuh piss up the seat and piss me up" - The child peed/urinated all over the seat and some caught me.

2. JUTC - Jamaican Urban Transit Company(state/private owned buses).

3. UTECH - The University of Technology, Jamaica

4. NCB - National Commercial Bank

Comment down below and tell me of any experience you've had while on public transportation.

Adios folks !!!

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Dear me: I am Black, Beautiful and Proud

Dear me:

I am Black, Beautiful and Proud (BB&P). I will love my melanin even more than the white people love themselves. I'm not trash and I deserve to be treated as equally and fairly as everyone else. My kinky hair is amazing although it can break a comb in two it is who I am and I will wear it and be as proud as a peacock. If someone tries to put me down because of my ethnicity and/or race, I will hold my head high and say "You are a part of the problem". I do not need "toning" to look like the Europeans, my complexion is marvelous just the way it is. I am not urban, my ancestors go way way back. I am not inferior I am just as fantastic as everyone else.  I am me and I am my culture. I will show respect to others and treat them as I would like to be treated. I am Black, Beautiful & Proud.

I will stand up for what is right and I will fight until the end, for myself, for my family, for my future children, for my ancestors and for my entire race. I WILL stand up for justice. I will not participate in hatred towards the minority of society. I will continue to weep and pray when the children of our society have withered away due to negligence and cruelty. I will travel the world, meet people and enjoy life. I will live. I will help who I can when they are in need. I will encourage and inspire others to strive for success and accomplish their dreams through dedication, perseverance and hard work. I am Black, Beautiful & Proud.

I will not fall along the wayside, I will stand true to what I believe in. I will aim for the moon so if I fail I will fall among the stars. Heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight- I will work and I will work and I will achieve and I will achieve. The enemy can try to tear me down but I will let my work and achievements speak for themselves. I will love like I've never loved before and I will learn to forgive but I will never forget unless I have amnesia *cackles*. My children will be proud to say "That lady right there, is my mom". I am Black, Beautiful & Proud.

And when it's time for my soul to leave my shell I will go peacefully, I've lived a good and honest life. I've done all I can, my bucket list is complete. I am Black Beautiful & Proud.

Yours Sincerely,

Adios folks !!!

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Talent vs School - Work smarter not harder

Some people were born with talent(s) others have to study to be successful. The likes of Beyoncé Knowles, Ludwig van Beethoven, Michael Angelo, etc were/are all successful by utilizing their talents. Whichever group you fall in we should all learn to respect each other hustle. Different strokes for different folks. So what Beyoncé didn't have to go to college and work at target that doesn't mean she didn't work hard to be where she is today. What people need to understand is that the term "work" is defined as activity involving physical or MENTAL effort done in order to achieve a goal. Work does not only speaks to studying late at night or attending classes or flipping burgers at Burger King. It also involves going on stage and singing your heart out, dancing non stop for hours, modeling down a catwalk and concentrating so as not to fall etc. "Working hard' isn't limited to strenuous activities. Some people work hard mentally they are always coming up with new ways to accomplish their goals, you just don't know it. Who are you to say someone didn't work hard for something so they don't deserve it? Rich or poor everyone has their struggles. Your struggle might not be the same as someone else's struggle.

One should always strive and achieve to work smart and not hard. Let me give you an example: When I was at University I was a bookworm instead of going out to parties and drink ups I'd preferred to stay in watch a show and go over my notes. In class I paid attention and I realized that this cut my study time in half. How you ask? Paying attention in class afforded me to understand most of the times at least 80% of what was taught. The other 20% I would go home and try to understand if I didn't I would find that lecturer before or after class and bombard them with all types of questions. I was never a procrastinator at University like I was in High School, so when most people were cramming the night before exams I was always chill it worked better for me that way. It's hard to do what I did but at the end of the day it was worth it and it was smarter at least to me. Work smarter not harder. Another example let's look at social media, a lot of users want to have lots of followers/friends so instead of going around online and begging for follow backs etc, they post scantily clad photos of themselves. Some of them make up fake funny stories and the followers roll in. I know what you are thinking I will never do any of that... right? I wouldn't either but that's just their way of reaching to the top and for most of them it is effective. Again work smarter not harder.

Maddie Ziegler the little dance sensation from Dance Moms is being home schooled and at a young age she's using her talent to be successful. She gets lots of flack for saying dance comes first. People need to understand that it is OK for others to prefer their talent over school.That doesn't mean she shouldn't have a back up plan in case something happens and she can no longer dance. There's nothing wrong to prefer singing,dancing,acting,etc over sitting in a classroom and vice versa.

If you find a job that you love and is passionate about you will never work a day in your life, for some people it's their talent and if going to school and earning your degree is what makes you happy then go for it. Whatever your choice always remember to work smarter not harder and do not belittle others for achieving their goals before you did, that's not cute.

Albert Einstein - School
Ludwig Van Beethoven - Talent

Thursday 26 February 2015

10 Tips for the GSAT Parents

Commencing this year (2015), the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) will undergo structural changes, students will do more critical thinking. The GSAT places as much stress on the students as it does on the parents, as a matter of fact every academic examination does this no matter where you are in the world. As parents you want to see your children excel at these examinations, if you do not live in Jamaica but you have a child sitting an academic examination soon you can still find some of these tips very helpful:

  1.  Do not emotionally abuse your child. Telling them things like "You naa pass fi guh nuh weh"  or "Yuh wukliss", etc. Stop it now. The parents who do this often times did not show keen  interest in their child's prowess at school to begin with, but now the GSAT is drawing near    you start to panic and take that out on the child. Do not do it. That child you think is "slow"  might just surprise you maybe not at the GSAT level but later on in life. 
  2.  Encouragement, a child can never get enough of this. Even myself as an adult  adore encouragements from my love ones. They just make you feel like everything is possible. If you have the time you can even find some creative ways to encourage and inspire your  child.
  3. I'm all about the base bout the base... No Pressure. Do not pressure the child as this can result in them panicking. Of course we know GSAT is important but find suitable ways to explain to your child the importance of the examinations without pressuring/stressing them. 
  4. Balance meals. Ensure your child is eating properly not just during the GSAT period but at all times. Not only eating but drinking lots of fluid preferably water. Developing healthy eating habits during one's childhood is just as important as developing a good personal hygiene.
  5. Urge them to take breaks. Advise and encourage your child to take breaks from studying. You the parent can ensure this by taking them out on weekends for example to a movie etc.
  6. Sleep well. I cannot stress the importance of sleep it has so many benefits from helping you to stay alert to assisting in improving your memory. This is what you want right? You want your child to be able to memorize their study material well ensure they get enough sleep. 
  7. Comfortable habitat. It is essential for us as humans adult and children alike to have a comfortable place to call home. Your home does not have to be a 10 bedroom mansion for it to be comfortable. Your child should want to come home after school, they should feel welcome it doesn't matter where you live or what your house looks like. 
  8. Assist with their studies. If you can aid your child with their studies during the GSAT preparation then do so. Help them with flash cards, mnemonics and mock examinations. 
  9. Seek additional help. If you can afford it sign them up for extra classes on the weekends. Know your child and know what subjects are their problem areas if any and help them to overcome those weaknesses. If you cannot afford to pay for extra classes try to seek help in other places like other family members who have already sat the examinations.
  10. Lots of love. Shower your kids with loads of love. Yes, let them know you love them and don't let them forget it. "A loved child is a happy child" ~ Lana. 

Half Way Tree primary students
Students at the Half-Way Tree Primary School - Jamaica Gleaner


Wondering why I didn't do tips for the students/candidates instead? Well... there are already lots       of them out there and not much for the parents. So... question answered?

Adios folks !!!